
Showing posts from July, 2018

World Breastfeeding Week: 9 Important Nutrition & Diet Tips for Mothers - Venkataeswara Hospitals

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated across many countries on first 7 days of August (Aug 1 – 7), Promoted by World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The purpose of this week is to increase the awareness and importance of breastfeeding. This helps to build the infant’s immune system, provide essential nutrients and support baby development. Breastfeeding, a mother requires having the exact diet, so that the milk is filled with all the accurate nutrients. Venkataeswara Hospitals are a Multispeciality Hospital in Chennai , sharing 9 Important Nutrition & Diet Tips for Mothers on this World Breastfeeding Week. High Protein Foods Foods which contain high proteins such as cereals, whole grains, dried fruits, pulses, eggs, chicken, vegetables and fresh fruits are fine for the mother and baby. Lactation Demands Lactation demands an extra 500kcal in the diet of a breastfeeding mother. Here breast feeding mothers are reco

Patients Voice & Story – Mr. Venkata Subbu, Venkataeswara Hospitals

Watch Mr. Venkata Subbu, 77 years old retired teacher admitted to Venkataeswara Hospitals for the health problem, sharing his thought with everyone.  Note: Based on patient interest and request, we have taken his feedback.  

Patients Voice & Story – Mrs. Uma Janakiraman - Venkataeswara Hospitals

Mrs. Uma Janakiraman, who was admitted to Venkataeswara Hospitals for Chest Pain. Our doctors examine her health condition, and found that she has a block in blood vessels. She immediately undergone to Angiogram treatment and now she is totally recovered to normal stage. Her husband Mr. Janakiraman thanked Dr. Thillai Vallal and his team. #PatientVoice #ChestPain #VenkataeswaraHospitals #vhospitals #HospitalsinChennai #BestHospitalsinChennai #MultispecialityHospitalsinChennai

Everyone Must Know about the Types of Heart Attack - Venkataeswara Hospitals

Heart diseases are extremely common all over the world; but, the rising of disease statistics is a cause for anxiety. Each and every heart condition is significant and needs immediate medical attention. Heart attacks occur when there is a blockage in the coronary arteries, which leads to trouble in blood flow to or from the heart. This blockage can cause permanent damage to the heart. There are five different types of heart attacks are present. They are: Stable Angina Unstable Angina STEMI (ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction) NSTEMI (Non-ST segment myocardial infarction) Coronary Artery Spasm (also known as ‘Prinzmetal's angina) Being a Best Heart Hospital in Chennai , Venkataeswara Hospitals also shares “ World Hepatitis Day: Advice to Stop Liver Damage from Hepatitis ” . Read Full Article on

World Hepatitis Day: Advice to Stop Liver Damage from Hepatitis - Venkataeswara Hospitals

If you want a healthy liver, just convert your food into energy. To stop liver damage from hepatitis, begin with a stable diet. People with hepatitis need to go behind a healthy lifestyle to reduce risk to the liver. Start protecting your liver by paying more awareness to take nutrition. For upcoming World Hepatitis Day 2018, being the Best Heart Hospital in Chennai , Venkataeswara Hospitals sharing some advice to stop liver damage from hepatitis.  Before getting into the article you can also read this interesting “ Can Cough Show a Warning Sign for Heart Failure? ” What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis is a liver inflammation caused by viral infection or toxins like alcohol or drugs. Types of hepatitis — A, B, C, D, and E — are contracted in various ways. Hepatitis A, B, and C are the most common. There are also two other forms known as hepatitis D and hepatitis E. Here hepatitis A and B are vaccine-preventable infections, but no vaccine exists for hepatitis C.